About me

SveinThis is my web site. My home on the web. Where I live and breathe part of the time.

I started this web site in the late 1990s when my then wife and I moved from the US to my home country, Norway. It was a great way to keep in touch with her family, and even greater when our children were born. When we moved back to the US again in the mid 2000s, I used the web site in a similar way to stay in touch with my family. Remember, this was way before facebook and other social media were available.

Since the advent of social media, this site fell into disarray. I simply never, or at least very rarely, updated it except to maintain my genealogy records and make them available to other researchers. I also kept my music (which I write, play, and record on my own) on this site.

I now live in Norway again. My children live with their mother in the US. I hope to be able to use this site to give them an idea of what I do on a regular basis.



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